I’m up for that—andrew @ thenationalpep.co.uk . I can probably do ten.
Disclosure of biases upfront—I’m not familiar with that specific book of Kurzweil, or with much of Kurzweil’s work in general, so I don’t know what his predictions are. But I am familiar with his book The Singularity Is Near, which I thought utterly, comprehensively wrongheaded to a point where most of what I could say about it would seem like personal abuse, so I suspect that a relatively low proportion of his predictions will come true.
I’m up for that—andrew @ thenationalpep.co.uk . I can probably do ten. Disclosure of biases upfront—I’m not familiar with that specific book of Kurzweil, or with much of Kurzweil’s work in general, so I don’t know what his predictions are. But I am familiar with his book The Singularity Is Near, which I thought utterly, comprehensively wrongheaded to a point where most of what I could say about it would seem like personal abuse, so I suspect that a relatively low proportion of his predictions will come true.
Cool, thanks!