These are all excellent questions! Unfortunately, I don’t have definite answers. I’ve read somewhere that the idea is to tax the working memory as much as possible such that you can just barely hold an emotional felt sense at the same time as well. I’d be very interested if someone does some more reading and research on this! What I personally do: The more intensive the felt sense feels, the harder I focus on the EMDR “distractions”, and vice-versa.
These are all excellent questions! Unfortunately, I don’t have definite answers. I’ve read somewhere that the idea is to tax the working memory as much as possible such that you can just barely hold an emotional felt sense at the same time as well.
I’d be very interested if someone does some more reading and research on this!
What I personally do: The more intensive the felt sense feels, the harder I focus on the EMDR “distractions”, and vice-versa.