I want to use this money (worth ~$125) to start another contest, but I thought that this time it would be a good idea to solicit some feedback on how best to do so.
Making the dollars estimate more prominent may help. Only skimming your previous bounty I hadn’t noticed the price. Last time I used bitcoin it traded at about 1:1. $14 sounded laughable. Mind you $125 is still rather low for considering making a video.
It’s not yet to $14. More in the range of $9 today. 14.75 is the number of bitcoins in the prize fund. Good suggestion regarding making the dollar figure more prominent. Perhaps the prize fund should be given time to grow (via contributions and deflation) before we set the deadline?
Making the dollars estimate more prominent may help. Only skimming your previous bounty I hadn’t noticed the price. Last time I used bitcoin it traded at about 1:1. $14 sounded laughable. Mind you $125 is still rather low for considering making a video.
It’s not yet to $14. More in the range of $9 today. 14.75 is the number of bitcoins in the prize fund. Good suggestion regarding making the dollar figure more prominent. Perhaps the prize fund should be given time to grow (via contributions and deflation) before we set the deadline?