If you are asking about the R_0, there is a lot of information that you’re mentioned elsewhere. If you’re asking about infectiousness time periods, CDC has information that you just cited. You’re looking for numerical epidemiological estimates—and the papers on the epidemiology that CDC cites are very clear that they don’t have that good data. Do you want a proxy for modeling purposes? Feel free to use any of the guesses provided in the literature so far, but note that most places where data might have existed that could inform this are locked down, so there would be fairly little data to indicate if now-formerly infected people are still transmitting the disease.
So you’re asking for information that experts say is currently unknown. That means any supposed “answers” to how long the infectiousness period lasts that have been published so far are going to be misleading. And knowing that a clear answer doesn’t exist is valuable information—it means you can stop sources like businessinsider stating that on average after 17 days people who recover are released from the hospital—which may be a correct average, but as the CDC’s explanation about the need for testing viral load in individual cases before release from in-home isolation makes clear, tells you nothing about how long they remain infectious.
If you are asking about the R_0, there is a lot of information that you’re mentioned elsewhere. If you’re asking about infectiousness time periods, CDC has information that you just cited. You’re looking for numerical epidemiological estimates—and the papers on the epidemiology that CDC cites are very clear that they don’t have that good data. Do you want a proxy for modeling purposes? Feel free to use any of the guesses provided in the literature so far, but note that most places where data might have existed that could inform this are locked down, so there would be fairly little data to indicate if now-formerly infected people are still transmitting the disease.
So you’re asking for information that experts say is currently unknown. That means any supposed “answers” to how long the infectiousness period lasts that have been published so far are going to be misleading. And knowing that a clear answer doesn’t exist is valuable information—it means you can stop sources like businessinsider stating that on average after 17 days people who recover are released from the hospital—which may be a correct average, but as the CDC’s explanation about the need for testing viral load in individual cases before release from in-home isolation makes clear, tells you nothing about how long they remain infectious.