Back in the OB days, I lurked for several months, reading through the archives, and my first comment was quite brutally shot down in one dismissive sentence by Eliezer. I didn’t comment again for over a year.
Number of posts is, in my view, a far more reliable way to quantify a person’s dedication to the community than time-spent-reading. It’s far more likely for a long-time-reader commenting for their first time to be alienated or intimidated by downvotes and criticism than a short-time-reader who has been commenting prolifically.
Back in the OB days, I lurked for several months, reading through the archives, and my first comment was quite brutally shot down in one dismissive sentence by Eliezer. I didn’t comment again for over a year.
Number of posts is, in my view, a far more reliable way to quantify a person’s dedication to the community than time-spent-reading. It’s far more likely for a long-time-reader commenting for their first time to be alienated or intimidated by downvotes and criticism than a short-time-reader who has been commenting prolifically.