Compiling my writings for Lesswrong and others.
I’ve just inserted about 50 new links to my list of writings, most of which from Lesswrong, here. For convenience, I’m copying it below.
I write a lot about a variety of topics in English and until 2013 also did in Portuguese, Notice Google Chrome automatically translates texts if you need. This will someday be a compilation of all my writings, divided by Borgean topics. There are also writings I wish I had written:
The ones I really, really want you to read before you read the rest:
000 The Starting Gun
003 De onde viemos?
007 Altruistic Awesomeness, Your Challenge! (O Fantástico Altruista)
Nearly all of these above are intensely motivational in character. If you are truly allergic to motivational writings, read only 003, 004, 005 and 006.
Those that may help you save the world:
101 In praise of tribes that pretend to try: counter”-Critique of Effective Altruism. (critique of this)
102 On media and Effective Altruism. (Interacting with media distortion)
104 Amending the Orthogonality Thesis. (Suggests an amendment to this paper)
Those that are very long and full of ideas:
010 Simulando Dennett (254 pages teaching you to think as Daniel Dennett does about biology, philosophy and AI, in portuguese)
011 On What Selves Are See also Short-term selves versus rationality.
100 Troubles with CEV (a genteral discussion of problems with Coherent Extrapolated Volition, our main strategic plan to save the world up to the time of writing.)
012 Calibrating against undetectable utilons and goal changing events (how to actually reach your goals even if you change or they are in the far future)
013 Para onde vamos?
Those short:
020 Research is polygamous. The Importance of what you do needn’t be proportional to your awesomeness
021 Why is it rational to invest in retirement, I don’t get it!
Those about how to live life to the fullest:
Those related to evolution:
045 Using evolution for sex and marriage. (How to use our natural mating systems and mechanisms to find partners in the time horizon of your desires.)
Those about minds:
030 How not to be a naïve computationalist. (The shortest way of delving in, learning from, and getting out of the field of Philosophy of Mind and Language.)
031 The cultural cost of Placebo. (In Oxford’s practical ethics blog)
032 I’ve warned you, but I shoouldn’t have. (Ethics, SSRI’s, Information Hazards)
033 Ciúme.
Those which are on Lesswrong but I think should have been read more:
040 “I know what she has to offer already” is almost certainly wrong
042 Complementing the Mega-Course for Aspiring Philosophers.
Those defying authority and important notions of the Status Quo:
060 Catching up with the present from the developing world. (An autobiographical account of growing up far from where innovation takes place, and people know what is going on)
062 You are the average of the five people you spend most time with.
Those I currently dislike or find silly:
Those humorous:
Those I want someone else to finish or rehash:
091 Absent Transhumanism and tranformative technologies, which Utopia is left?
092 Making the chaff invisible, and getting the wheat. (looking for alternatives to drinking from the fire hose of the web, and getting only content we actually want to see)
093 O segundo maior erro econômico que você vai cometer na vida.
Those in portuguese:
004 10 Razões pelas quais estou indo embora (do Brasil)
003 De onde viemos?
013 Para onde vamos?
063 Patrimônio e felicidade, a hipótese do mergulho. (como usar seu patrimônio no tempo)
123 E se fosse possível tornar-se gay. (veja também Observações sobre ocomportamento sexual das pessoas)
125 Adorno, Snickers e etologia, a informavoridade como motor do homem contemporâneo.
126 Uma análise do conceito de racionalidade à luz de Putnam.
128 Sujeito e poderes da palavra falada e escrita: Uma ficção gravitando Derrida, Dennett e Pinker.
129 O mundo é grande! (tipos de multiverso)
Those not above:
150 Is the blood thicker near the tropics? Trade offs of living in the cold
151 Is there a way to stop liking sugar? (spoiler, no, there isn’t)
156 Teachings of Mount Qassioun (reflections at the top of Damascus’ only mountain)
What do you mean by compilation of writings “divided by Borgean topics”? I understand that it’s a reference to Jorge Luis Borges, but have no idea what did you mean by that.
It’s usually a reference to this section of The Analytical Language of John Wilkins:
Indeed, the original:
Hey! I’ve read Number 005 before! That was a great post! Nice one ;)
I think that one is not Diego’s. I was confused too, but the author’s Wikipedia page) shows no sign of them being the same person[1], and Diego said:
I agree it’s a great post though!
[1] Also, not to be confused with David Wong the philosopher).
Yes, at the moment there are only a few writing I wish I had written but I would like to put more of those there in the next iteration of link-insertion. Nothing by Paul Graham or AJ Jacobs is there yet, and I find many of their writings amazing. Not to mention Nick (Bostrom).