To bring this back to the concrete—what is your evaluation of the discussion in the comments for this post? There has been no moderation applied (though members are participating who happen to be site moderators, they’re not acting to moderate the post of the comments AFAIK). There has been nothing that I’d call bullying. There has been nitpicking, as part of attempts (some of which I think are valid), to point out ambiguity and problems with your position.
Are you inspired to (choose one or more):
1) edit your post to be more popular
1a) in agreement that the new version is clearer about your thesis and recommendation
1b) reluctantly, feeling bullied into it
2) decide it’s fulfilled it’s purpose and spurred good conversation in the comments
3) leave LW and condemn us all as jerks
4) continue to participate and get value from (if not enjoy) the style of discussion we often have
Agreed that there hasn’t been bullying but has been nitpicking. I think the comments here have gone seriously off-track from the main intent of my post and I intend to write another post that deals with the “is it OK to ban Nazis” issue more directly; I’m unsure whether I’ll write a new version of this post.
This situation has made me less likely to want to write on LW in the future, but it’s not to the point where I’m quitting or whatever.
To bring this back to the concrete—what is your evaluation of the discussion in the comments for this post? There has been no moderation applied (though members are participating who happen to be site moderators, they’re not acting to moderate the post of the comments AFAIK). There has been nothing that I’d call bullying. There has been nitpicking, as part of attempts (some of which I think are valid), to point out ambiguity and problems with your position.
Are you inspired to (choose one or more):
1) edit your post to be more popular
1a) in agreement that the new version is clearer about your thesis and recommendation
1b) reluctantly, feeling bullied into it
2) decide it’s fulfilled it’s purpose and spurred good conversation in the comments
3) leave LW and condemn us all as jerks
4) continue to participate and get value from (if not enjoy) the style of discussion we often have
Agreed that there hasn’t been bullying but has been nitpicking. I think the comments here have gone seriously off-track from the main intent of my post and I intend to write another post that deals with the “is it OK to ban Nazis” issue more directly; I’m unsure whether I’ll write a new version of this post.
This situation has made me less likely to want to write on LW in the future, but it’s not to the point where I’m quitting or whatever.