Hesitant: If I made a line of the average quality it would go down gradually and drop off at 6. Most 2 people circles I’ve been in have been high value, some 4-5 person circles, and few larger circles. It might be even flatter if we consider that I’ve explicitly sought out 2 person circles when I thought they would be valuable. If the larger groups had good things, they happened when the group broke up into smaller groups organically, or after people left. I had one Important Topic Circle which was 4-5 people. It seems that a lot of interesting things can happen at the 4-5 person level in a similar way to a normal interesting good conversation (more varied input, focus switching, people being able to facilitate interactions between 2 others, etc). I’m interested in hearing about this from other people with more experience.
Hesitant: If I made a line of the average quality it would go down gradually and drop off at 6. Most 2 people circles I’ve been in have been high value, some 4-5 person circles, and few larger circles. It might be even flatter if we consider that I’ve explicitly sought out 2 person circles when I thought they would be valuable. If the larger groups had good things, they happened when the group broke up into smaller groups organically, or after people left. I had one Important Topic Circle which was 4-5 people. It seems that a lot of interesting things can happen at the 4-5 person level in a similar way to a normal interesting good conversation (more varied input, focus switching, people being able to facilitate interactions between 2 others, etc). I’m interested in hearing about this from other people with more experience.