In general, you’re not guaranteed to see any particular pattern more than once, or for the pattern of repetition to be particularly neat. The pigeonhole principle says that with an infinite number of pigeons placed into a finite number of slots, at least one of the slots needs to contain more than one pigeon (in fact, one or more of them needs to contain an infinite number of pigeons). But it doesn’t say that all of the slots need to be filled more than once.
What if slots are not discrete and the contents of each location are a function of previous contents of all locations within its light-cone?
I must say, this twin thing sounds cool and all but I’m starting to think maybe it’s too strongly stated.
What if slots are not discrete and the contents of each location are a function of previous contents of all locations within its light-cone?
I must say, this twin thing sounds cool and all but I’m starting to think maybe it’s too strongly stated.