Sorry for the late reply, but I only just noticed the little red envelope. :( I’m coming up on my last Alexander lesson in a few days, and I really like it. It’s not (yet) been as life-changing as I’d hoped (I still have bad knees (sigh), and people don’t suddenly react very differently to me), but it has improved my posture a lot, and I’m very happy with that. At the very least, it’ll help me not get RSI or back problems.
Sorry for the late reply, but I only just noticed the little red envelope. :( I’m coming up on my last Alexander lesson in a few days, and I really like it. It’s not (yet) been as life-changing as I’d hoped (I still have bad knees (sigh), and people don’t suddenly react very differently to me), but it has improved my posture a lot, and I’m very happy with that. At the very least, it’ll help me not get RSI or back problems.
I only just noticed this reply, so we’re even. ;) Thanks.