You sound pretty rational to me. I think that if you identify yourself as a rationalist then you are one. Yes, there is a lot of effort in becoming really good at it and overcoming human irrational biases but if you think its a worthwhile objective then you are a rationalist—I think. I wish you luck in getting into a US university so you don’t need to suffer the stress of hiding your sexual orientation from your parents for 4 years. Of course you’ll eventually have to tell them (well—ideally) but I assume it will be easier when you are 4 years older and more self-sufficient. Best of luck to you. I think you’ll find this site a pretty objective outlet for your feelings on the matter as long as they are well thought out. I’m not gay myself so I don’t presume to know the challenges that you face but I’m willing to listen to what you have to say and give my honest thoughts in a helpful way. I think that most here are pretty open-minded because they are rationalists. I don’t presume to speak for the community here but it is the impression that I get. As long as you support your assertions with good reasons and are willing to explain your feelings and engage an argument I think you’ll find support here (again not a promise as I don’t speak for others—but my impression of the way it works here).
You sound pretty rational to me. I think that if you identify yourself as a rationalist then you are one. Yes, there is a lot of effort in becoming really good at it and overcoming human irrational biases but if you think its a worthwhile objective then you are a rationalist—I think. I wish you luck in getting into a US university so you don’t need to suffer the stress of hiding your sexual orientation from your parents for 4 years. Of course you’ll eventually have to tell them (well—ideally) but I assume it will be easier when you are 4 years older and more self-sufficient. Best of luck to you. I think you’ll find this site a pretty objective outlet for your feelings on the matter as long as they are well thought out. I’m not gay myself so I don’t presume to know the challenges that you face but I’m willing to listen to what you have to say and give my honest thoughts in a helpful way. I think that most here are pretty open-minded because they are rationalists. I don’t presume to speak for the community here but it is the impression that I get. As long as you support your assertions with good reasons and are willing to explain your feelings and engage an argument I think you’ll find support here (again not a promise as I don’t speak for others—but my impression of the way it works here).