Hi. I’m a 42yr old male, from the US and I’ve been aware of LessWrong for a few years now, stumbling across links to posts on LessWrong here and there in my web surfing travels. I’ve always been more or less a rationalist. I’ve been a self-identified atheist since high school. I’ve been a fan of Daniel Dennett for many years. I read ‘Consciousness Explained’ when it first came out many years ago and I’ve kept up reading interesting philosophy and science books since then. I’ve always enjoyed books that made sense out of previously mysterious phenomena. My feedly list has hundreds of blogs mostly in nutrition/psychology/economics and some sports (I’m a big sports fan, but prefer an analytical approach to that as well). In essence I’m the type of guy who likes this stuff.
I remember reading on here a few years ago some posts about a rationalist approach to self-help. I’m especially interested in that. I’ve always been an anxious and insecure person and if I can solve that problem the quality of my life will skyrocket. Having spent a fair amount of time reading the comment threads at LessWrong I’m pretty optimistic that I can find some folks here who are interested in discussing these things in the same way that I am. Frankly I take a much more reductionist approach to personal problems than most others and this seems like a place where I may find some people who may think similarly. Barring that I think I’ll just enjoy reading and commenting here every so often.
I enjoy the analytical side of sports, too. Do you follow sabermetrics and all its many children (e.g advanced statistics in basketball and hockey) or are you more interested in human performance optimization (powerlifting, HIT, barefoot running, etc.)? If the latter, does that connect to your reductionist approach to personal problems and concern with anxiety?
I follow sabermetrics and its children. I was really into Bill James back in the day and still had a subscription to BaseballProspectus.com (this post is half-drunk so excuse typos please). My 2 favorie sports are hockey and baseball. Baseball analytics made its biggest advances years ago—now it seems like they are just refining but hockey is in the initial stages. I’ve been into possession stats for hockey more than any baseball stats for the past couple of years although I still wander on to baseballprospectus and fangraphs and read some of the posts every 2 or 3 weeks.. I’m not a big hoops fan but I really like the advanced stats they have and footballoutsiders is great too although I havent really gone into depth there. I’m also interested in the performance stuff. I .listen to superhumanradio regularly. He has really good interviews with scientists on a regular basis.
Hi. I’m a 42yr old male, from the US and I’ve been aware of LessWrong for a few years now, stumbling across links to posts on LessWrong here and there in my web surfing travels. I’ve always been more or less a rationalist. I’ve been a self-identified atheist since high school. I’ve been a fan of Daniel Dennett for many years. I read ‘Consciousness Explained’ when it first came out many years ago and I’ve kept up reading interesting philosophy and science books since then. I’ve always enjoyed books that made sense out of previously mysterious phenomena. My feedly list has hundreds of blogs mostly in nutrition/psychology/economics and some sports (I’m a big sports fan, but prefer an analytical approach to that as well). In essence I’m the type of guy who likes this stuff.
I remember reading on here a few years ago some posts about a rationalist approach to self-help. I’m especially interested in that. I’ve always been an anxious and insecure person and if I can solve that problem the quality of my life will skyrocket. Having spent a fair amount of time reading the comment threads at LessWrong I’m pretty optimistic that I can find some folks here who are interested in discussing these things in the same way that I am. Frankly I take a much more reductionist approach to personal problems than most others and this seems like a place where I may find some people who may think similarly. Barring that I think I’ll just enjoy reading and commenting here every so often.
I enjoy the analytical side of sports, too. Do you follow sabermetrics and all its many children (e.g advanced statistics in basketball and hockey) or are you more interested in human performance optimization (powerlifting, HIT, barefoot running, etc.)? If the latter, does that connect to your reductionist approach to personal problems and concern with anxiety?
I follow sabermetrics and its children. I was really into Bill James back in the day and still had a subscription to BaseballProspectus.com (this post is half-drunk so excuse typos please). My 2 favorie sports are hockey and baseball. Baseball analytics made its biggest advances years ago—now it seems like they are just refining but hockey is in the initial stages. I’ve been into possession stats for hockey more than any baseball stats for the past couple of years although I still wander on to baseballprospectus and fangraphs and read some of the posts every 2 or 3 weeks.. I’m not a big hoops fan but I really like the advanced stats they have and footballoutsiders is great too although I havent really gone into depth there. I’m also interested in the performance stuff. I .listen to superhumanradio regularly. He has really good interviews with scientists on a regular basis.