I’ll come back to this at some point. Specifically, I’d like clicking that link either to take me to the correct note if it already exists, or CREATE the note if it doesn’t exist, while triggering the Templater action that generates all the nice dynamic content on the Daily Note.
I found today, after following this tutorial (which is great, btw, with some tweaks for personal preference this thoroughly fixes everything I felt missing from Obsidian), that putting the template in both the “Daily Notes” template AND as a “Folder Template” made the yesterday/tomorrow links works as-is, with the file either being visited, or created with the template. My hypothesis is the template you put directly into the Daily Notes settings only triggers when using the “Open Today’s Daily Note” button, so Templater’s “folder template” trigger is needed.
In fact, it seems like the Folder Template is all you need, but I have a hunch that the “direct” Daily Note template might be faster in some cases? It’s probably just a superstition, I don’t know if there’s a good way to test it.
EDIT: To make it immune to what setting you have for here new notes are created, I had to specifiy the full path in the template:
RE:Footnote #4:
I found today, after following this tutorial (which is great, btw, with some tweaks for personal preference this thoroughly fixes everything I felt missing from Obsidian), that putting the template in both the “Daily Notes” template AND as a “Folder Template” made the yesterday/tomorrow links works as-is, with the file either being visited, or created with the template. My hypothesis is the template you put directly into the Daily Notes settings only triggers when using the “Open Today’s Daily Note” button, so Templater’s “folder template” trigger is needed.
In fact, it seems like the Folder Template is all you need, but I have a hunch that the “direct” Daily Note template might be faster in some cases? It’s probably just a superstition, I don’t know if there’s a good way to test it.
EDIT: To make it immune to what setting you have for here new notes are created, I had to specifiy the full path in the template:
<< [[Daily Notes/<% fileDate = moment(tp.file.title, 'YYYY-MM-DD dddd').subtract(1, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DD dddd') %>|Yesterday]] | [[Daily Notes/<% fileDate = moment(tp.file.title, 'YYYY-MM-DD dddd').add(1, 'd').format('YYYY-MM-DD dddd') %>|Tomorrow]] >>
The path and the daily note name format have to match whatever you’ve set up for Daily Notes.
Amazing, thanks!