Create a trust that sends your item to the moon in what future time that such a service is easily accessible.
Bribe an astronaut + relevant govt officials
Befriend Elon
Hire a Russian space tourism company
Steal a moon rock. The part contains the whole.
Prove the moon landing was hoax, thus restarting the space race. (Plus bribe astronaut)
That company that sends your DNA to the moon … Talk to them.
Toss it really hard.
Bring the moon to the earth. (Step 1: invent how to move moons)
Join the Air Force. Get on UFO team. Get aliens to take my item in exchange for their freedom.
Massive human pyramid.
Pony Express
Send a package via USPS addressed to the moon
Already be on the moon
Genetically engineered jumping spiders.
Become president of USA
Create a moon time capsule program “for the children”.
Bequeath item to my great great grandkids, and make moon transportation THEIR problem. They do not get rest of their inheritance until item is on moon.
Produce a Big budget film, shot “on location” on the moon
Create viral meme about sending this item to the moon.
Create actual parasitic virus that makes people really want to get this item to the moon.
Transhumanism → Super stretchy arms
Transhumanism → Rocket man
Look through other people’s answers to this question and do whichever makes the most sense.
“Get my item to the moon” auction
UFAI whose only purpose is to put item on moon.
Blow up the moon, thus nullifying ask.
Let go of all desires, including the desire for item to be on moon
Lasso the moon
Create a lucid dream world in which you can fly through space.
Big slingshot.
Ask really nicely
Helium balloon
Red Bull commercial
Something something quantum
Convince everyone they are already on the moon
Really big baseball bat
Really tall ladder
pneumatic tube
Read a lot of sci Fi books and do whatever seems coolest
Space elevator
Rename your group house “The Moon”
Recognize that distance is an illusion.
Create a trust that sends your item to the moon in what future time that such a service is easily accessible.
Bribe an astronaut + relevant govt officials
Befriend Elon
Hire a Russian space tourism company
Steal a moon rock. The part contains the whole.
Prove the moon landing was hoax, thus restarting the space race. (Plus bribe astronaut)
That company that sends your DNA to the moon … Talk to them.
Toss it really hard.
Bring the moon to the earth. (Step 1: invent how to move moons)
Join the Air Force. Get on UFO team. Get aliens to take my item in exchange for their freedom.
Massive human pyramid.
Pony Express
Send a package via USPS addressed to the moon
Already be on the moon
Genetically engineered jumping spiders. .
Become president of USA
Create a moon time capsule program “for the children”.
Bequeath item to my great great grandkids, and make moon transportation THEIR problem. They do not get rest of their inheritance until item is on moon.
Produce a Big budget film, shot “on location” on the moon
Create viral meme about sending this item to the moon.
Create actual parasitic virus that makes people really want to get this item to the moon.
Transhumanism → Super stretchy arms
Transhumanism → Rocket man
Look through other people’s answers to this question and do whichever makes the most sense.
“Get my item to the moon” auction
UFAI whose only purpose is to put item on moon.
Blow up the moon, thus nullifying ask.
Let go of all desires, including the desire for item to be on moon
Lasso the moon
Create a lucid dream world in which you can fly through space.
Big slingshot.
Ask really nicely
Helium balloon
Red Bull commercial .
Something something quantum
Convince everyone they are already on the moon
Really big baseball bat
Really tall ladder
pneumatic tube
Read a lot of sci Fi books and do whatever seems coolest
Ability to manipulate gravity
Forced perspective.