I scored a 12, but was not inspired to actually take that test until reading this post. And I haven’t bothered putting up a response to the original post. People who are most likely to take that test seem like people who already suspect they may have AS to some extent. People who know that they very clearly don’t are unlikely to be interested enough to take it. So there is excellent reason to suspect that your sample is highly non-representative and bias in favor of overreporting.
Just out of interest, what’s your prediction of the sample mean AQ for those responses to my survey that are submitted after I put the note at the top of the post asking only previous non-responders to respond, assuming I get more than, say, 5?
With that small a sample, I’m not sure. Merely adding the criteria, “Respond if you haven’t responded yet” seems unlikely to draw particularly different people. It will just draw more people with the same characteristic who didn’t already vote, if it draws anyone.
I scored a 12, but was not inspired to actually take that test until reading this post. And I haven’t bothered putting up a response to the original post. People who are most likely to take that test seem like people who already suspect they may have AS to some extent. People who know that they very clearly don’t are unlikely to be interested enough to take it. So there is excellent reason to suspect that your sample is highly non-representative and bias in favor of overreporting.
Just out of interest, what’s your prediction of the sample mean AQ for those responses to my survey that are submitted after I put the note at the top of the post asking only previous non-responders to respond, assuming I get more than, say, 5?
With that small a sample, I’m not sure. Merely adding the criteria, “Respond if you haven’t responded yet” seems unlikely to draw particularly different people. It will just draw more people with the same characteristic who didn’t already vote, if it draws anyone.