A significant pieces of my own architecture is basically doing the same thing but with the classifiers themselves composed in a nearly turing-complete total functional language, which are then operated on by other reflective agents who are able to reason about the code due to its strong type system.
Hmmm… Do you have a completeness result? I mean, I can see that if you make it a total language, you can just use coinduction to reason about indefinite computing processes, but I’m wondering what sort of internal logic you’re using that would allow complete reasoning over programs in the language and decidable typing (since to have the agent rewrite its own code it will also have to type-check its own code).
Current theorem-proving systems like Coq that work in logics this advanced usually have undecidable type inference somewhere, and require humans to add type annotations sometimes.
Hmmm… Do you have a completeness result? I mean, I can see that if you make it a total language, you can just use coinduction to reason about indefinite computing processes, but I’m wondering what sort of internal logic you’re using that would allow complete reasoning over programs in the language and decidable typing (since to have the agent rewrite its own code it will also have to type-check its own code).
Current theorem-proving systems like Coq that work in logics this advanced usually have undecidable type inference somewhere, and require humans to add type annotations sometimes.