I don’t know if I’m facing the same problem as most people. I’m usually working, but I spread my effort out among so many tasks that most go unfinished. I read so many books that I forget 99% of what I read before I ever get a chance to use it. It’s ludicrous; when I have an hour to read, I find it difficult to take less than 4 books with me even though I know I can read only 1 of them. I keep buying more books even though I have literally hundreds of books in my stack of books-waiting-to-be-read.
I think my problem is too much curiousity, and too much ambition, and too much trying to do everything myself instead of hiring or allying with other people to get things done.
I tried hiring a guy to do some of my programming for me, but he could never give a firm answer as to whether he would get around to doing something today / this week / next week / never.
I don’t know if I’m facing the same problem as most people. I’m usually working, but I spread my effort out among so many tasks that most go unfinished. I read so many books that I forget 99% of what I read before I ever get a chance to use it. It’s ludicrous; when I have an hour to read, I find it difficult to take less than 4 books with me even though I know I can read only 1 of them. I keep buying more books even though I have literally hundreds of books in my stack of books-waiting-to-be-read.
I think my problem is too much curiousity, and too much ambition, and too much trying to do everything myself instead of hiring or allying with other people to get things done.
I tried hiring a guy to do some of my programming for me, but he could never give a firm answer as to whether he would get around to doing something today / this week / next week / never.