“Even with all those changes, results on concern over AI’s potential to end humanity were almost identical to the first poll: 18% of U.S. adult citizens are very concerned and 28% are somewhat concerned about AI ending the human race; 10% think it’s impossible. (Another poll asking the same question, conducted by Conjointly, got similar results.)”
YouGov’s answer to these concerns: https://today.yougov.com/topics/technology/articles-reports/2023/04/14/ai-nuclear-weapons-world-war-humanity-poll
“Even with all those changes, results on concern over AI’s potential to end humanity were almost identical to the first poll: 18% of U.S. adult citizens are very concerned and 28% are somewhat concerned about AI ending the human race; 10% think it’s impossible. (Another poll asking the same question, conducted by Conjointly, got similar results.)”