(Working memory and executive function are also issues, so I would suggest dual n-back.)
What do you think are the best ways to measure mental performance? (The problem with dual n-back is that I’m constantly improving and I would like to have a somewhat constant benchmark.) Do you think tests that measure visual reaction time or the time you need to solve arithmetic problems are worthwhile?
If you haven’t plateaued on DNB yet, you could always try a suite of things like Gbrainy or Lumosity. (But needless to say, improving on DNB simply means that data is harder to interpret—if your scores drop, even after you think you’ve adapted, that’s significant data!)
What do you think are the best ways to measure mental performance? (The problem with dual n-back is that I’m constantly improving and I would like to have a somewhat constant benchmark.) Do you think tests that measure visual reaction time or the time you need to solve arithmetic problems are worthwhile?
If you haven’t plateaued on DNB yet, you could always try a suite of things like Gbrainy or Lumosity. (But needless to say, improving on DNB simply means that data is harder to interpret—if your scores drop, even after you think you’ve adapted, that’s significant data!)