Disregarding the style of writing, I would just like to say that I think most people on this website could generally do very well with taking commandment number 8 seriously. Meditating on it every night before going to bed might help, or maybe tattooing it on their foreheads so they see it in the mirror when they wake up… 6 foot flaming letters in the sky spelling it out, maybe.
In all seriousness, I cannot count the number of times I get the urge to bash some heads together and yell “Stop being clever! You’re here to learn things, not win arguments or score points!”
If anyone has a good idea for how to get this message across in a way that doesn’t seem overly combattative, let me know.
I get the urge to bash some heads together and yell “Stop being clever! You’re here to learn things, not win arguments or score points!”
On occasion I do get the urge to bash some heads and yell “Stop telling me what I’m here for! My goals are not necessarily what you think they are or what you think they should be!”.
Disregarding the style of writing, I would just like to say that I think most people on this website could generally do very well with taking commandment number 8 seriously. Meditating on it every night before going to bed might help, or maybe tattooing it on their foreheads so they see it in the mirror when they wake up… 6 foot flaming letters in the sky spelling it out, maybe.
In all seriousness, I cannot count the number of times I get the urge to bash some heads together and yell “Stop being clever! You’re here to learn things, not win arguments or score points!”
If anyone has a good idea for how to get this message across in a way that doesn’t seem overly combattative, let me know.
On occasion I do get the urge to bash some heads and yell “Stop telling me what I’m here for! My goals are not necessarily what you think they are or what you think they should be!”.