Interesting. I suppose I’m pretty much equally bad in all areas of “ability to react” except for learning fast–I soak up information easily, but I’ve never noticed that I walk or talk faster than usual. I guess I was quick to point out “speed of learning new information” as separate from reaction speed because my abilities in the two domains are so opposite-end-of-the-spectrum. Which is why it’s always a good idea to have other peoples’ input...
Interesting. I suppose I’m pretty much equally bad in all areas of “ability to react” except for learning fast–I soak up information easily, but I’ve never noticed that I walk or talk faster than usual. I guess I was quick to point out “speed of learning new information” as separate from reaction speed because my abilities in the two domains are so opposite-end-of-the-spectrum. Which is why it’s always a good idea to have other peoples’ input...