I think you are missing the forest of my argument for it’s trees. The default hypothesis—the one that requires evidence to update against—is now that the brain is efficient in most respects, rather than the converse.
The larger update is that evolution is both fast and efficient. It didn’t proceed through some slow analog of moore’s law where some initial terribly inefficient designs are slowly improved. Biological evolution developed near-optimal nanotech quickly, and then slowly built up larger structure. It moved slowly only because it was never optimizing for intelligence at all, not because it is inherently slow and inefficient. But intelligence is often useful so eventually it developed near-optimal designs for various general learning machines—not in humans—but in much earlier brains.
Human brains are simply standard primate brains, scaled up, with a few tweaks for language. The phase transition around human intelligence is entirely due to language adding another layer of systemic organization (like the multicellular transition); due to culture allowing us to learn from all past human experiences, so our (compressed) training dataset scales with our exponentially growing population vs being essentially constant as for animals.
Deep learning is simply reverse engineering the brain (directly and indirectly), and this was always ever the only viable path to AGI [1]. Based on the large amount of evidence we have from DL and neuroscience it’s fairly clear (to me at least) that the the brain is also probably near optimal in data efficiency (in predictive gain per bit of sensor data per unit of compute—not to be confused with sample efficiency which you can always improve at the cost of more compute).
Of course AGI will have advantages (mostly in expanding beyond the limitations of human lifetimes and associated brain sizes and slow interconnect); but overall it’s more like the beginning of a cambrian explosion that is a natural continuation of brain biological evolution, rather than some alien invasion.
The default hypothesis—the one that requires evidence to update against—is now that the brain is efficient in most respects, rather than the converse.
I think you have basically not made that case, certainly not to such a degree that people who previously believed the opposite will be convinced. You explored a few specific dimensions—like energy use, heat dissipation, circuit depth. But these are all things which we’d expect to have been under lots of evolutionary pressure for a long time. They’re also all relatively “low-level” things, in the sense that we wouldn’t expect to need unusually intricate genetic machinery to fine-tune them; we’d expect all those dimensions to be relatively accessible to evolutionary exploration.
If you want to make the case of that brain efficiency is the default hypothesis, then you need to argue it in cases where the relevant capabilities weren’t obviously under lots of selection pressure for a long time (e.g. recently acquired capabilities like language), or where someone might expect architectural complexity to be too great for the genetic information bottleneck. You need to address at least some “hard” cases for brain efficiency, not just “easy” cases.
Or, another angle: I’d expect that, by all of the efficiency measures in your brain efficiency post, a rat brain also looks near-optimal. Therefore, by anology to your argument, we should conclude that it is not possible for some new biological organism to undergo a “hard takeoff” (relative to evolutionary timescales) in intelligent reasoning capabilities. Where does that argument fail? What inefficiency in the rat brain did humanity improve on? If it was language, why do expect that the apparently-all-important language capability is near-optimal in humans? Also, why do we expect there won’t be some other all-important capability, just like language was a new super-important capability in the rat → human transition?
In a nutshell EY/LW folks got much of their brain model from the heuristics and biases, ev psych literature which is based on the evolved modularity hypothesis, which turned out to be near completely wrong. So just by merely reading the sequences and associated lit LW folks have unfortunately picked up a fairly inaccurate default view of the brain.
In a nutshell the brain is a very generic/universal learning system built mostly out of a few different complimentary types of neural computronium (cortex, cerebellum, etc) and an actual practical recursive self improvement learning system that rapidly learns efficient circuit architecture from lifetime experience. The general meta-architecture is not specific to humans, primates, or even mammals, and in fact is highly convergent and conserved—evolution found and preserved it again and again across wildly divergent lineages. So there isn’t so much room for improvement in architecture, most of the improvement comes solely from scaling.
Nonetheless there are important differences across the lineages: primates along with some birds and perhaps some octopoda have the most scaling efficient archs in terms of neuron/synapse density, but these differences are most likely due to diverging optimization pressures along a pareto efficiency frontier.
The difference in brain capabilities are then mostly just scaling differences: human brains are just 4x scaled up primate brains, having nearly zero detectable divergences from the core primate architecture (brain size is not a static feature of arch, the arch also defines a scaling plan, so you can think of size as being a tunable hyperparam with many downstream modifications to the wiring prior). Rodent brain arch has probably the worst scaling plan, probably they are optimized for speed and rarely grew large.
I think you are missing the forest of my argument for it’s trees. The default hypothesis—the one that requires evidence to update against—is now that the brain is efficient in most respects, rather than the converse.
The larger update is that evolution is both fast and efficient. It didn’t proceed through some slow analog of moore’s law where some initial terribly inefficient designs are slowly improved. Biological evolution developed near-optimal nanotech quickly, and then slowly built up larger structure. It moved slowly only because it was never optimizing for intelligence at all, not because it is inherently slow and inefficient. But intelligence is often useful so eventually it developed near-optimal designs for various general learning machines—not in humans—but in much earlier brains.
Human brains are simply standard primate brains, scaled up, with a few tweaks for language. The phase transition around human intelligence is entirely due to language adding another layer of systemic organization (like the multicellular transition); due to culture allowing us to learn from all past human experiences, so our (compressed) training dataset scales with our exponentially growing population vs being essentially constant as for animals.
Deep learning is simply reverse engineering the brain (directly and indirectly), and this was always ever the only viable path to AGI [1]. Based on the large amount of evidence we have from DL and neuroscience it’s fairly clear (to me at least) that the the brain is also probably near optimal in data efficiency (in predictive gain per bit of sensor data per unit of compute—not to be confused with sample efficiency which you can always improve at the cost of more compute).
Of course AGI will have advantages (mostly in expanding beyond the limitations of human lifetimes and associated brain sizes and slow interconnect); but overall it’s more like the beginning of a cambrian explosion that is a natural continuation of brain biological evolution, rather than some alien invasion.
At this point we have actually heavily explored the landscape of bayesian learning algorithms and huge surprises are unlikely.
I think you have basically not made that case, certainly not to such a degree that people who previously believed the opposite will be convinced. You explored a few specific dimensions—like energy use, heat dissipation, circuit depth. But these are all things which we’d expect to have been under lots of evolutionary pressure for a long time. They’re also all relatively “low-level” things, in the sense that we wouldn’t expect to need unusually intricate genetic machinery to fine-tune them; we’d expect all those dimensions to be relatively accessible to evolutionary exploration.
If you want to make the case of that brain efficiency is the default hypothesis, then you need to argue it in cases where the relevant capabilities weren’t obviously under lots of selection pressure for a long time (e.g. recently acquired capabilities like language), or where someone might expect architectural complexity to be too great for the genetic information bottleneck. You need to address at least some “hard” cases for brain efficiency, not just “easy” cases.
Or, another angle: I’d expect that, by all of the efficiency measures in your brain efficiency post, a rat brain also looks near-optimal. Therefore, by anology to your argument, we should conclude that it is not possible for some new biological organism to undergo a “hard takeoff” (relative to evolutionary timescales) in intelligent reasoning capabilities. Where does that argument fail? What inefficiency in the rat brain did humanity improve on? If it was language, why do expect that the apparently-all-important language capability is near-optimal in humans? Also, why do we expect there won’t be some other all-important capability, just like language was a new super-important capability in the rat → human transition?
I already made much of the brain architecture/algorithms argument in an earlier post: “The Brain as a Universal Learning Machine”.
In a nutshell EY/LW folks got much of their brain model from the heuristics and biases, ev psych literature which is based on the evolved modularity hypothesis, which turned out to be near completely wrong. So just by merely reading the sequences and associated lit LW folks have unfortunately picked up a fairly inaccurate default view of the brain.
In a nutshell the brain is a very generic/universal learning system built mostly out of a few different complimentary types of neural computronium (cortex, cerebellum, etc) and an actual practical recursive self improvement learning system that rapidly learns efficient circuit architecture from lifetime experience. The general meta-architecture is not specific to humans, primates, or even mammals, and in fact is highly convergent and conserved—evolution found and preserved it again and again across wildly divergent lineages. So there isn’t so much room for improvement in architecture, most of the improvement comes solely from scaling.
Nonetheless there are important differences across the lineages: primates along with some birds and perhaps some octopoda have the most scaling efficient archs in terms of neuron/synapse density, but these differences are most likely due to diverging optimization pressures along a pareto efficiency frontier.
The difference in brain capabilities are then mostly just scaling differences: human brains are just 4x scaled up primate brains, having nearly zero detectable divergences from the core primate architecture (brain size is not a static feature of arch, the arch also defines a scaling plan, so you can think of size as being a tunable hyperparam with many downstream modifications to the wiring prior). Rodent brain arch has probably the worst scaling plan, probably they are optimized for speed and rarely grew large.