Consider that you may need to spend not just a lot of time actually entering and analyzing data, but also on refining your model for what data to collect and how to analyze it, considering what if anything to do with it, researching what health metrics actually matter for your well-being, questioning whether this project is worth your time, addressing failures to implement it consistently, fielding questions about it from others, considering alternative projects to achieve similar results, and thinking about it when you’re not even using it.
Consider that you may need to spend not just a lot of time actually entering and analyzing data, but also on refining your model for what data to collect and how to analyze it, considering what if anything to do with it, researching what health metrics actually matter for your well-being, questioning whether this project is worth your time, addressing failures to implement it consistently, fielding questions about it from others, considering alternative projects to achieve similar results, and thinking about it when you’re not even using it.