Wait, the “free will theorem” meaning the paper co-authored by Conway that proved that if electrons are deterministic, then humans are also deterministic, and if you can violate determinism for humans you can also violate it for electrions? ’Cuz really they just used the definition of “free will” as “violating determinism.”
Sounds like a short class.
EDIT: Okay, so I suppose you could cover the history of the idea of free will. And you could teach the physics used in the paper to people who didn’t already know it. Or, possibly, you could rehash the same debates a dozen times.
Wait, the “free will theorem” meaning the paper co-authored by Conway that proved that if electrons are deterministic, then humans are also deterministic, and if you can violate determinism for humans you can also violate it for electrions? ’Cuz really they just used the definition of “free will” as “violating determinism.”
Sounds like a short class.
EDIT: Okay, so I suppose you could cover the history of the idea of free will. And you could teach the physics used in the paper to people who didn’t already know it. Or, possibly, you could rehash the same debates a dozen times.
Yeah, it’s a complete waste of time, but you know, David Chalmers.
But yeah, we learn the physics used (very badly) and we rehash the same debates a dozen times. It’s irritating, but again, David Chalmers.