I guessed 35 based on typing a bit on type-racer to get a feel of the speed. I seem to be able to sustain 90, although on the long run you’d have to see how mistakes affect that average. I get your point but for me, writing is fast spurts of writing punctuated by long thinking pauses. In my comments and status, I probably spend 10x ballpark more time thinking than typing. It’s even worse for some blog post and waay worse for academic articles (only for the first rough draft, not factoring editing).
That’s fair. I’d like to avoid typical minding here, though; my experience is that I have way more thoughts than I have time to write them up (both cached and on the fly), so even at my typing speed I still find that typing speed is my bottleneck.
Calibration exercise: what do you think the average typing speed is?
Rest of comment is in rot13: Vg’f nobhg sbegl jcz. V zragvbarq nobir gung V glcr nobhg n uhaqerq naq svsgl jcz; gung znxrf n uhtr qvssrerapr gb ubj yvxryl V nz gb glcr va trareny. Vg gerzraqbhfyl ybjref gur znetvany pbfg bs zr glcvat Snprobbx fgnghfrf, YJ pbzzragf, rgp. V nyfb guvax dhvgr dhvpxyl naq V orarsvg n ybg sebz orvat noyr gb glcr nyzbfg nf dhvpxyl nf V guvax, r.t. jura glcvat sbe gur checbfrf bs guvaxvat gb zlfrys va Jbexsybjl. Glcvat ng sbegl jcz jbhyq nofbyhgryl pevccyr zr.
I guessed 35 based on typing a bit on type-racer to get a feel of the speed. I seem to be able to sustain 90, although on the long run you’d have to see how mistakes affect that average. I get your point but for me, writing is fast spurts of writing punctuated by long thinking pauses. In my comments and status, I probably spend 10x ballpark more time thinking than typing. It’s even worse for some blog post and waay worse for academic articles (only for the first rough draft, not factoring editing).
That’s fair. I’d like to avoid typical minding here, though; my experience is that I have way more thoughts than I have time to write them up (both cached and on the fly), so even at my typing speed I still find that typing speed is my bottleneck.