Indeed, systems controlling the domestic narrative may become sophisticated enough that censorship plays no big role. No regime is more powerful and enduring than one which really knows what poses a danger to it and what doesn’t, one which can afford to use violence, coercion and censorship in the most targeted and efficient way. What a small elite used to do to a large society becomes something that the society does to itself. However, this is hard and I assume will remain out of reach for some time. We’ll see what develops faster: sophistication of societal control and the systems through which it is achieved, or technology for censorship and surveillance. I’d expect at least a “transition period” of censorship technology spreading around the world as all societies that successfully use it become sophisticated enough to no longer really need it.
What seems more certain is that AI will be very useful for influencing societies in other countries, where the sophisticated domestically optimal means aren’t possible to deploy. This goes very well with exporting such technology.
Indeed, systems controlling the domestic narrative may become sophisticated enough that censorship plays no big role. No regime is more powerful and enduring than one which really knows what poses a danger to it and what doesn’t, one which can afford to use violence, coercion and censorship in the most targeted and efficient way. What a small elite used to do to a large society becomes something that the society does to itself. However, this is hard and I assume will remain out of reach for some time. We’ll see what develops faster: sophistication of societal control and the systems through which it is achieved, or technology for censorship and surveillance. I’d expect at least a “transition period” of censorship technology spreading around the world as all societies that successfully use it become sophisticated enough to no longer really need it.
What seems more certain is that AI will be very useful for influencing societies in other countries, where the sophisticated domestically optimal means aren’t possible to deploy. This goes very well with exporting such technology.