You are making too many assumptions about my values and desires. I don’t care for religion and I think people can get a lot more social statues by bypassing or rendering irrelevant the social systems around them.
To pay all the dues would be like “Work to rule” in a factory, a well-known protest tactic of adhering to every policy as a method for bringing an operation to a standstill.
Many who get far places didn’t pay all their dues. Your life isn’t long enough. Maybe some pragmatic signaling, but no need to actually do everything that seems to be demanded.
You are making too many assumptions about my values and desires. I don’t care for religion and I think people can get a lot more social statues by bypassing or rendering irrelevant the social systems around them.
To pay all the dues would be like “Work to rule” in a factory, a well-known protest tactic of adhering to every policy as a method for bringing an operation to a standstill.
Many who get far places didn’t pay all their dues. Your life isn’t long enough. Maybe some pragmatic signaling, but no need to actually do everything that seems to be demanded.
I find this reply confusing. It seems to me that you’re mixing up a descriptive and a prescriptive discussion of values.
“Your life isn’t long enough” <-- prescriptive, a value that I largely agree with though we might argue about some specifics.
“No one has ever died wishing” <-- descriptive, but as a description of what people in fact want it’s inaccurate.