That one’s not going to carry a death penalty. It is true and obvious that mates would generally still prefer to turn without permission than let their mates die. The rules accomplish two things:
a) strongly encourage at least a good-faith attempt at convincing the mate first;
b) serve signaling purposes to human societies they later reveal themselves to (“no, of course kidnapping humans to turn them is illegal; it carries an N year hiding sentence, and if we can humanely arrange for them to serve it without said mate, we do”, as opposed to “yeah, if one of us wants to snag and vamp one of you badly enough it’s gonna happen and we’ll throw them an engagement party, sucks to be you”).
Also, any penalty short of death is going to be relatively little actual deterrent, in the long run. It’ll encourage vampires to make a strong attempt to convince their mate, but if that isn’t possible they will be quite willing to simply kidnap and turn them, in the sure knowledge that they will forgive them once turned, and make sure that the bond is fully established before the Empire intervenes so that they aren’t serving N years hidden in the absence of their mate.
That one’s not going to carry a death penalty. It is true and obvious that mates would generally still prefer to turn without permission than let their mates die. The rules accomplish two things:
a) strongly encourage at least a good-faith attempt at convincing the mate first;
b) serve signaling purposes to human societies they later reveal themselves to (“no, of course kidnapping humans to turn them is illegal; it carries an N year hiding sentence, and if we can humanely arrange for them to serve it without said mate, we do”, as opposed to “yeah, if one of us wants to snag and vamp one of you badly enough it’s gonna happen and we’ll throw them an engagement party, sucks to be you”).
In a manner of speaking.
Also, any penalty short of death is going to be relatively little actual deterrent, in the long run. It’ll encourage vampires to make a strong attempt to convince their mate, but if that isn’t possible they will be quite willing to simply kidnap and turn them, in the sure knowledge that they will forgive them once turned, and make sure that the bond is fully established before the Empire intervenes so that they aren’t serving N years hidden in the absence of their mate.