I really enjoyed it too. I’ve never read of a pre-tragedy!Marcus that resembles anything close to what I think he would be like in canon. He’s a very sharp man with a good handle on his power. He just doesn’t have quite the same ambitions as Aro.
All the different personalities of the Volturi coven make me wonder how many arguments there have been about the morality of eating people. I’m sure many were prevented because Chelsea was the very first member in the guard.
I really enjoyed it too. I’ve never read of a pre-tragedy!Marcus that resembles anything close to what I think he would be like in canon. He’s a very sharp man with a good handle on his power. He just doesn’t have quite the same ambitions as Aro.
All the different personalities of the Volturi coven make me wonder how many arguments there have been about the morality of eating people. I’m sure many were prevented because Chelsea was the very first member in the guard.