Another question about vampire not-biology: Say a vampire consumes the blood of someone who has just partaken in some drug—like heroin or alcohol. Is that any different from regular blood? Or do these substances just count as regular food does to a vampire, i.e. completely void of their regular delicious, nutritious, mind-bending nature? How different would this be for a half-vampire?
Say a vampire consumes the blood of someone who has just partaken in some drug—like heroin or alcohol. Is that any different from regular blood? Or do these substances just count as regular food does to a vampire, i.e. completely void of their regular delicious, nutritious, mind-bending nature?
“The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner” says it tastes funny relative to un-substance-laced human blood (but even “tainted” blood retains its delicious, nutritious, mind-bending, etc. nature.)
How different would this be for a half-vampire?
I rule that a half-vampire would be less sensitive to these flavor differences (but better able to actually discriminate between prey on this basis, due to not going sharkily insane around blood).
I think what tenshiko was asking (and what I’d anyway like to know ;) is if the drugs in the blood would affect (half-)vamps any. My guess would be that half-vamps yes, though probably milder and burned away more quickly?
Another question about vampire not-biology: Say a vampire consumes the blood of someone who has just partaken in some drug—like heroin or alcohol. Is that any different from regular blood? Or do these substances just count as regular food does to a vampire, i.e. completely void of their regular delicious, nutritious, mind-bending nature? How different would this be for a half-vampire?
“The Short Second Life of Bree Tanner” says it tastes funny relative to un-substance-laced human blood (but even “tainted” blood retains its delicious, nutritious, mind-bending, etc. nature.)
I rule that a half-vampire would be less sensitive to these flavor differences (but better able to actually discriminate between prey on this basis, due to not going sharkily insane around blood).
I think what tenshiko was asking (and what I’d anyway like to know ;) is if the drugs in the blood would affect (half-)vamps any. My guess would be that half-vamps yes, though probably milder and burned away more quickly?
I’m going to rule that the answer is usually no at normal doses, and, yeah, milder and briefer if the prey was really hopped up on the stuff.