“Becominggaia” as a website name set off my alarms, and it only got worse when I read one of his papers. The author appears to believe that greater intelligence is necessarily equated with greater benevolence, thus limiting any need for fear of existential risk. I skimmed though, and I admit I was a bit biased from the onset by the use of Kant’s philosophy, so draw your own conclusions.
“Becominggaia” as a website name set off my alarms, and it only got worse when I read one of his papers. The author appears to believe that greater intelligence is necessarily equated with greater benevolence, thus limiting any need for fear of existential risk. I skimmed though, and I admit I was a bit biased from the onset by the use of Kant’s philosophy, so draw your own conclusions.
E.g. from http://vimeo.com/33767396 (slides http://bicasociety.org/2011/materials/Waser.pptx), on occasion you prefer listening to reading.