For instance, if some form of undiscovered bat or sea creature is actually good at flying and that explains the images, does that count as “very weird”? That is, it’s not an animal that can design technologies, but it is the cause of a bunch of the UFO reportings.
If a skeptic/debunker would feel smug and vindicated about any given explanation, then that explanation would NOT resolve in my favor. Weird animal (As mentioned, barring that they aren’t secretly on par with humans), is prosaic and would NOT resolve in my favor.
Also “psychic phenomenon” seems kind of ill-defined. Derren Brown can do hypnosis and seances that have strong effects on people, there’s a lot of suggestibility in people, if a bunch of UFO sighting were due to someone doing similar things but even better and naturally, does that count as psychic phenomena?
Merely advanced “mentalist” type stuff would NOT count. This class is more pointing at “true” psychic phenomena. ie, something more like ESP, remote viewing, astral projection, etc.
Regarding the hypotheses, I’d probably want to determine now some set of LW posters to resolve it if we disagree. My first guess is that Oliver Habryka, Alyssa Vance, and Vaniver could be good, where if any of them think the bet resolves in your favor then it does.
I lurk, but not closely enough to know what handles would be good for this bet. Ill accept this list, and also throw in Scott Alexander and Eliezer.
If a skeptic/debunker would feel smug and vindicated about any given explanation, then that explanation would NOT resolve in my favor. Weird animal (As mentioned, barring that they aren’t secretly on par with humans), is prosaic and would NOT resolve in my favor.
Merely advanced “mentalist” type stuff would NOT count. This class is more pointing at “true” psychic phenomena. ie, something more like ESP, remote viewing, astral projection, etc.
I lurk, but not closely enough to know what handles would be good for this bet. Ill accept this list, and also throw in Scott Alexander and Eliezer.