Is hosting images on Imgur (as in the parent) OK? (I recently got an Imgur account, because their latest terms-of-service update says they might delete old anonymously-uploaded images.) I’ve seen posts by more than one author (including the OP, and some of John Wentworth’s posts) host images at, which seems to suggest a designated way to upload images for posts and comments on this website? When I (reluctantly) switch to the Less Wrong docs editor, I don’t see it in the selection menu that shows up when you highlight tex—oh, I see now that there’s another menu when you click the ¶, which includes image upload. Maybe I’ll start to use that (in a dummy LessWrong Docs editor session) instead of Imgur? (I assume no one is going to build a separate image-upload form for Markdown editor users.)
You’re welcome to host images wherever you like—we automatically mirror all embedded images on Cloudinary, and replace the URLS in the associated image tags when serving the post/comment (though the original image URLs remain in the canonical post/comment for you, if you go to edit it, or something).
Oh, so that’s what “inline” reacts are! This brings me back: back in 2014, I wrote a prototype discussion forum (inspired by a weird sun Tweet) where you could upvote or downvote snippets within a post or comment, which would get correspondingly colored blue or red. The backend was Django, and the substring voting worked by traversing the DOM tree and working out the character indices where the current selection starts and ends. More innocent times! I miss jQuery.
Did you get to use it in practice?
Practice project never tried to get “real” users, but the code still works.
Is hosting images on Imgur (as in the parent) OK? (I recently got an Imgur account, because their latest terms-of-service update says they might delete old anonymously-uploaded images.) I’ve seen posts by more than one author (including the OP, and some of John Wentworth’s posts) host images at
, which seems to suggest a designated way to upload images for posts and comments on this website? When I (reluctantly) switch to the Less Wrong docs editor, I don’t see it in the selection menu that shows up when you highlight tex—oh, I see now that there’s another menu when you click the ¶, which includes image upload. Maybe I’ll start to use that (in a dummy LessWrong Docs editor session) instead of Imgur? (I assume no one is going to build a separate image-upload form for Markdown editor users.)You’re welcome to host images wherever you like—we automatically mirror all embedded images on Cloudinary, and replace the URLS in the associated image tags when serving the post/comment (though the original image URLs remain in the canonical post/comment for you, if you go to edit it, or something).