Of course you know that I never said anything like either of the parody quotes provided. And I’m not trying to stay Quinean philosophy is better than Less Wrong. The claim I’m making is a very weak claim: that some useful stuff comes out of mainstream philosophy, and Less Wrong shouldn’t ignore it when that happens just because the source happens to be mainstream philosophy.
Yes. But you’re right so that side had to be a strawman, didn’t it?
Since I hold a pretty strong pro-mainstream philosophy position (relative to others here, perhaps including yourself) I was a little more creative with that parody than in the other. I was attempting to be self-deprecating to soften my criticism (that the reluctance to embrace your position stems from status insecurities) so as to not set of tribal war instincts.
Though on reflection it occurs to me that since I didn’t state my position in that comment or in this thread and have only talked about it in comments (some before you even arrived here at Less Wrong) it’s pretty unlikely that you or anyone else would remember my position on the matter, in which case my attempt at self-deprecation might look like a criticism of you.
Yeah… I’ve apparently missed something important to interpreting you.
For the record, if you hold “a pretty strong pro-mainstream philosophy position” then you definitely are more in favor of mainstream philosophy than I am. :)
Yes. But you’re right so that side had to be a strawman, didn’t it?
I’m sorry; what do you mean?
Since I hold a pretty strong pro-mainstream philosophy position (relative to others here, perhaps including yourself) I was a little more creative with that parody than in the other. I was attempting to be self-deprecating to soften my criticism (that the reluctance to embrace your position stems from status insecurities) so as to not set of tribal war instincts.
Though on reflection it occurs to me that since I didn’t state my position in that comment or in this thread and have only talked about it in comments (some before you even arrived here at Less Wrong) it’s pretty unlikely that you or anyone else would remember my position on the matter, in which case my attempt at self-deprecation might look like a criticism of you.
Yeah… I’ve apparently missed something important to interpreting you.
For the record, if you hold “a pretty strong pro-mainstream philosophy position” then you definitely are more in favor of mainstream philosophy than I am. :)
It’s all relative. Surround me with academics and I sound like Eliezer.
But yes, once or twice I’ve even had the gall to suggest that some continental philosophers are valuable.
And for that, two days in the slammer! :)