A theologian, a lawyer, and a rationalist meet at a cocktail party.
“Theology is the most intellectually demanding field,” says the
theologian. “The concepts are so abstract, and many key texts are
obscurely written.”
“Oh please,” says the lawyer. “I once knew a bright fellow who became a
theologian because he couldn’t make it as a lawyer. He read and studied
and tore his hair out, but he just couldn’t get how the law works.”
“I’ve got you both beat,” says the rationalist. “Rationalism is so
hard, no one’s figured it out!”
EDIT: Too bad there’s no prize for the lowest rated joke. Sorry if this joke offended people. It wasn’t meant to reflect badly on any of the characters or anyone in real life.
A theologian, a lawyer, and a rationalist meet at a cocktail party.
“Theology is the most intellectually demanding field,” says the theologian. “The concepts are so abstract, and many key texts are obscurely written.”
“Oh please,” says the lawyer. “I once knew a bright fellow who became a theologian because he couldn’t make it as a lawyer. He read and studied and tore his hair out, but he just couldn’t get how the law works.”
“I’ve got you both beat,” says the rationalist. “Rationalism is so hard, no one’s figured it out!”
EDIT: Too bad there’s no prize for the lowest rated joke. Sorry if this joke offended people. It wasn’t meant to reflect badly on any of the characters or anyone in real life.
I don’t think people were offended—it probably just didn’t make them laugh. The punchline’s rather weak—or else I don’t get it.
Two which the theologian and the lawyer reply, “Of course they have! It’s just the art of proving that Socrates is mortal!”