A rationalist and a christian argue about the existance of god. When the rationalist is bored he finally says: “Listen, the probability of god existing is about as small as winning the lottery, so if you win the lottery next week we can talk.” They meet again next week and the christian did in fact win the lottery so the rationalist says: “Yeah, I calculated it again and it’s more like winning the lottery twice.” The week after they meet again and much to the horror of the rationalist the christian won the lottery a second time. He doesn’t know what to answer so they part again and meet again the third week. The rationalist says: “Well, the probability of that happening was insignificantly small, so I think I need to update my beliefs and acknowledge the fact that there might be a god.” Says the christian: “Well, I just realized I am rich now. I don’ think I believe in god anymore.”
A rationalist and a christian argue about the existance of god. When the rationalist is bored he finally says: “Listen, the probability of god existing is about as small as winning the lottery, so if you win the lottery next week we can talk.” They meet again next week and the christian did in fact win the lottery so the rationalist says: “Yeah, I calculated it again and it’s more like winning the lottery twice.” The week after they meet again and much to the horror of the rationalist the christian won the lottery a second time. He doesn’t know what to answer so they part again and meet again the third week. The rationalist says: “Well, the probability of that happening was insignificantly small, so I think I need to update my beliefs and acknowledge the fact that there might be a god.” Says the christian: “Well, I just realized I am rich now. I don’ think I believe in god anymore.”