I tended to meditate either first thing in the morning (going on a hike), or late at night (sitting), and I don’t have a record of when I did what. And the pings came randomly throughout the day. So I’m not sure there’s much to say here. I’d typically miss pings because my phone was in a different room, or I was outside and didn’t hear it. And I often forgot to turn on TagTime in the morning, or forgot to turn it off at night. All in all, it was pretty shoddy experience sampling.
Did you miss more pings before or after? (Or no affect?)
I tended to meditate either first thing in the morning (going on a hike), or late at night (sitting), and I don’t have a record of when I did what. And the pings came randomly throughout the day. So I’m not sure there’s much to say here. I’d typically miss pings because my phone was in a different room, or I was outside and didn’t hear it. And I often forgot to turn on TagTime in the morning, or forgot to turn it off at night. All in all, it was pretty shoddy experience sampling.