The comment seems to be saying that they will remove off-topic comments or low-effort posts on things that have been discussed endlessly here, not block posts about AI risk in general. It’s fair to write posts about why you think AI risk is overblown and it’s important for the community to have outside input, but also it’s important to be able to write posts that aren’t about re-arguing the same thing over and over or the community will atrophy and die.
Note that this anti-doom post has a reasonably high karma score for being a link post, presumably because the writer is actually aware of and engages the best arguments against her position.
such posts are generally not banned to my knowledge but, ah, won’t have positive score unless you can describe mechanistically why a lot of hyperskeptical people should be convinced you’re definitely right. Can you demonstrate a bound on the possible behaviors of a system, the way I can demonstrate a bound on the possible behaviors of a safe rust program?
I don’t think it’s quite that; a more central example I think would be something like a post about extrapolating demographic trends to 2070 under the UN’s assumptions, where then justifying whether or not 2070 is a real year is kind of a different field.
The comment seems to be saying that they will remove off-topic comments or low-effort posts on things that have been discussed endlessly here, not block posts about AI risk in general. It’s fair to write posts about why you think AI risk is overblown and it’s important for the community to have outside input, but also it’s important to be able to write posts that aren’t about re-arguing the same thing over and over or the community will atrophy and die.
Note that this anti-doom post has a reasonably high karma score for being a link post, presumably because the writer is actually aware of and engages the best arguments against her position.
such posts are generally not banned to my knowledge but, ah, won’t have positive score unless you can describe mechanistically why a lot of hyperskeptical people should be convinced you’re definitely right. Can you demonstrate a bound on the possible behaviors of a system, the way I can demonstrate a bound on the possible behaviors of a safe rust program?
I don’t think it’s quite that; a more central example I think would be something like a post about extrapolating demographic trends to 2070 under the UN’s assumptions, where then justifying whether or not 2070 is a real year is kind of a different field.