Next year I want to see an independent measure of conscientiousness, and compare this between people who bother to answer the digit ratio question and those who don’t...
The conscientiousness/akrasia interactions are also fascinating, but even harder to measure. There’s a serious missing-not-at-random censoring effect going on for people too conscientious to leave off digit ratio but too akrasic to do the measurement. I nearly fell into this bucket.
Took the survey. Skipped the digit ratio—I could have done it but didn’t feel like walking to the copier or finding a ruler.
Next year I want to see an independent measure of conscientiousness, and compare this between people who bother to answer the digit ratio question and those who don’t...
The conscientiousness/akrasia interactions are also fascinating, but even harder to measure. There’s a serious missing-not-at-random censoring effect going on for people too conscientious to leave off digit ratio but too akrasic to do the measurement. I nearly fell into this bucket.