I suggested the metaethics question, and I’m sorry for any inadequacies in my descriptions. I used emotivism as the example for non-cognitivism because it’s the form of it with which I’m most familiar, and because it would’ve been difficult to come up with a general example that would encompass all forms of non-cognitivism.
It was similarly difficult to come up with a general example for constructivism—my example is along the lines of Hobbesian constructivism, with which other constructivists may disagree.
The formulation of the question didn’t quite make it clear that emotivism was just intended as an example for one possible non-cognitivist position. That’s what I objected to. As an example, it’s fine of course—it is, after all, the most well-known such position.
I was mostly irked that “the position from the Sequences” wasn’t an option (although I quite understand why you’d want to avoid parochial signalling), as neither your definition of subjectivist nor substantive realist seemed to capture it adequately. I eventually opted for the latter.
I suggested the metaethics question, and I’m sorry for any inadequacies in my descriptions. I used emotivism as the example for non-cognitivism because it’s the form of it with which I’m most familiar, and because it would’ve been difficult to come up with a general example that would encompass all forms of non-cognitivism.
It was similarly difficult to come up with a general example for constructivism—my example is along the lines of Hobbesian constructivism, with which other constructivists may disagree.
The formulation of the question didn’t quite make it clear that emotivism was just intended as an example for one possible non-cognitivist position. That’s what I objected to. As an example, it’s fine of course—it is, after all, the most well-known such position.
I was mostly irked that “the position from the Sequences” wasn’t an option (although I quite understand why you’d want to avoid parochial signalling), as neither your definition of subjectivist nor substantive realist seemed to capture it adequately. I eventually opted for the latter.