Top-level comment to say yep, took the survey! Well, except for the digit length by tool-aided measurement. However, I did do a rough measurement (which I chose to not record on the survey) by manually aligning the creases on both hands (first to verify corresponding finger lengths, then to compare D2:D4) I determined my digit ratio to be in excess of 1.00 and possibly as high as 1.02, which would make me very unusual (especially for a cis male). Then again, my height already makes me that.
Also, this is the first thread in which I’ve commented on LW! My actual first comment (with more stuff about the survey) is here:
EDIT: Feedback that I posted in that other comment, which it was pointed out really belongs here: Part Four’s “Moral Views” section could have used links (LW, WP, wherever) for those of us who aren’t sure about the selection of moral philosophies. It is a question I had been exploring, but mostly just in a “judge each as they are presented to me” approach and I had not encountered all of them before. Also, the WP articles for some of them do not contrast them with the others, so suggested alternate sources would be welcome.
EDIT2: Did somebody go on a downvote-rampage? Every comment in this section of the thread seems to have been downvoted at least once. Is there some rule of “you’re not supposed to get more than 12 free karma out of this thread” or something that I missed? (Bearing in mind that I’m a newbie, I did not expect this behavior and would generally appreciate knowing why something I post is downvoted.)
Top-level comment to say yep, took the survey! Well, except for the digit length by tool-aided measurement. However, I did do a rough measurement (which I chose to not record on the survey) by manually aligning the creases on both hands (first to verify corresponding finger lengths, then to compare D2:D4) I determined my digit ratio to be in excess of 1.00 and possibly as high as 1.02, which would make me very unusual (especially for a cis male). Then again, my height already makes me that.
Also, this is the first thread in which I’ve commented on LW! My actual first comment (with more stuff about the survey) is here: EDIT: Feedback that I posted in that other comment, which it was pointed out really belongs here: Part Four’s “Moral Views” section could have used links (LW, WP, wherever) for those of us who aren’t sure about the selection of moral philosophies. It is a question I had been exploring, but mostly just in a “judge each as they are presented to me” approach and I had not encountered all of them before. Also, the WP articles for some of them do not contrast them with the others, so suggested alternate sources would be welcome.
EDIT2: Did somebody go on a downvote-rampage? Every comment in this section of the thread seems to have been downvoted at least once. Is there some rule of “you’re not supposed to get more than 12 free karma out of this thread” or something that I missed? (Bearing in mind that I’m a newbie, I did not expect this behavior and would generally appreciate knowing why something I post is downvoted.)