I’d have to say that for myself, I’ve sometimes noticed via introspection that some of my own thoughts and actions, when I poke at them, seem to be status and signaling related.
ie, at least in my case, at least sometimes, it would seem that the signaling is actively computed by my brain, rather than just by evolution in the past.
I certainly understand the distinction you’re making, but several times I’ve had instances in which when I tried to really think about and put words on what and why I wanted to do certain things or felt certain things, I found myself thinking in terms of what other people would think of me, status, etc.
I’d have to say that for myself, I’ve sometimes noticed via introspection that some of my own thoughts and actions, when I poke at them, seem to be status and signaling related.
ie, at least in my case, at least sometimes, it would seem that the signaling is actively computed by my brain, rather than just by evolution in the past.
I certainly understand the distinction you’re making, but several times I’ve had instances in which when I tried to really think about and put words on what and why I wanted to do certain things or felt certain things, I found myself thinking in terms of what other people would think of me, status, etc.