Ok I hope you can write it out because it sounds interesting. But let me pose a query of my own.
You seem to think that over a period a few billion years means that real utility optimization should occur rather than going for wire-heading. And think that if limited to a few centuries counterfeit utility is better. How would you feel about 10 000 years of the values you cherish followed by a alien or empty universe? What about 10 million years?
If it makes you feel better if everything I cared was destined to disappear tomorrow I think I would go for some wire-heading, so I guess we are just on different spots on the same curve. Is this so?
I’m thinking. But keep in mind that I’m basically a would-be deontologist; I’m just not sure what my deontic ethics should be. If only I could get a consistent (?) and satisfying system, I’d be fine with missing out on direct utility. I know, for humans that’s as impossible as becoming an utility maximizer, because we’re the antithesis of “consistency”.
Ok I hope you can write it out because it sounds interesting. But let me pose a query of my own.
You seem to think that over a period a few billion years means that real utility optimization should occur rather than going for wire-heading. And think that if limited to a few centuries counterfeit utility is better. How would you feel about 10 000 years of the values you cherish followed by a alien or empty universe? What about 10 million years?
If it makes you feel better if everything I cared was destined to disappear tomorrow I think I would go for some wire-heading, so I guess we are just on different spots on the same curve. Is this so?
I’m thinking. But keep in mind that I’m basically a would-be deontologist; I’m just not sure what my deontic ethics should be. If only I could get a consistent (?) and satisfying system, I’d be fine with missing out on direct utility. I know, for humans that’s as impossible as becoming an utility maximizer, because we’re the antithesis of “consistency”.