It seems like whole genome sequencing could be a lower-cost, lower-quality option? (No recurring freezing costs, just a lump sum for the sequencing? But it’s less likely to be useful.)
Also, it’s not clear to me that it’s important than an artificial organ be produced from my cells.
Is this an idea you had yourself? Did you run it by any experts? In any case, this suggests to me that you are generalizing hastily about what you see as this implying about people.
It seems like whole genome sequencing could be a lower-cost, lower-quality option? (No recurring freezing costs, just a lump sum for the sequencing? But it’s less likely to be useful.)
Also, it’s not clear to me that it’s important than an artificial organ be produced from my cells.
Is this an idea you had yourself? Did you run it by any experts? In any case, this suggests to me that you are generalizing hastily about what you see as this implying about people.
That’s been my working assumption as well.