Is it rude to make a new tag without also tagging a handful of posts for it? A few tags I kinda want:
explanation: thing explained.
idea: an idea for a thing someone could do (weaker version of “Research Agenda” tag)
stating the obvious: pointing out something obviously true but maybe frequently overlooked
experimental result
theoretical result
novel maybe: attempts to do something new (in the sense of novelty requirements for conference publications)
Good question! From the Wiki-Tag FAQ:
A good heuristic is that tag ought to have three high-quality posts, preferably written by two or more authors.
I believe all tags have to be approved. If I were going through the morning moderation queue, I wouldn’t approve an empty tag.
At times, I have added tags that I felt were useful or missing, but usually, I add it to at least a few important posts to illustrate. At one time, one of them was removed but a good explanation for it was given.
Is it rude to make a new tag without also tagging a handful of posts for it? A few tags I kinda want:
explanation: thing explained.
idea: an idea for a thing someone could do (weaker version of “Research Agenda” tag)
stating the obvious: pointing out something obviously true but maybe frequently overlooked
experimental result
theoretical result
novel maybe: attempts to do something new (in the sense of novelty requirements for conference publications)
Good question! From the Wiki-Tag FAQ:
I believe all tags have to be approved. If I were going through the morning moderation queue, I wouldn’t approve an empty tag.
At times, I have added tags that I felt were useful or missing, but usually, I add it to at least a few important posts to illustrate. At one time, one of them was removed but a good explanation for it was given.