Somewhat similar and somewhat different point can be made about rule followings which I thinis part of the later Wittgenstein. Suppose there is a town map in chinese htat you don’t know how to read. Then somebody gives you instructions on how to read it in german. Then if you don’t know german you might need another instruction book. If one would need rules to follow or operate a rules system then an infinite regression could be looming. Thus does giving a “rule reduction” help at all?
Somewhat similar and somewhat different point can be made about rule followings which I thinis part of the later Wittgenstein. Suppose there is a town map in chinese htat you don’t know how to read. Then somebody gives you instructions on how to read it in german. Then if you don’t know german you might need another instruction book. If one would need rules to follow or operate a rules system then an infinite regression could be looming. Thus does giving a “rule reduction” help at all?
Yeah, I guess Wittgenstein’s position on that is that we learn the first rule set directly from training, rather than from other rules.