As far as quantifying consciousness, I want to ask , if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound ? Does the tree hear itself falling or at least feel itself falling ?
If consciousness is subjective , then how can it measure itself ? Possibly only in relation to the other ?
Eg if my mind is interpreting electromagnetic waves to subjectively produce the colour red , then that redness for me is my experience of those electromagnetic waves and knowing the others experience of red is impossible ? Because ??
I also liked the conjecture in the article that a brain may contain more than one consciousness which reminds me of the question , what if everything was conscious ? So that when you feel pleasure it’s not your brain creating that sensation instead it’s eg your tastebuds enjoying a tasty sandwich and relaying that information to the brain so “you” , wherever and whatever you are canbe aware of it.
As far as quantifying consciousness, I want to ask , if a tree falls in the woods and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound ? Does the tree hear itself falling or at least feel itself falling ? If consciousness is subjective , then how can it measure itself ? Possibly only in relation to the other ? Eg if my mind is interpreting electromagnetic waves to subjectively produce the colour red , then that redness for me is my experience of those electromagnetic waves and knowing the others experience of red is impossible ? Because ?? I also liked the conjecture in the article that a brain may contain more than one consciousness which reminds me of the question , what if everything was conscious ? So that when you feel pleasure it’s not your brain creating that sensation instead it’s eg your tastebuds enjoying a tasty sandwich and relaying that information to the brain so “you” , wherever and whatever you are canbe aware of it.