Some related information: people around me constantly complain that the paper review process in deep learning is random and unfair. These complaints seem to basically just not be true? I’ve submitted about ten first or second author papers at this point, with 6 acceptances, and I’ve agreed with and been able to predict the reviewers accept/reject response with close to 100% accuracy, including acceptance to some first tier conferences.
If the review panel recommends a paper for a spotlight, there is a better than 50% chance a similarly-constituted review panel would have rejected the paper from the conference entirely:
Some related information: people around me constantly complain that the paper review process in deep learning is random and unfair. These complaints seem to basically just not be true? I’ve submitted about ten first or second author papers at this point, with 6 acceptances, and I’ve agreed with and been able to predict the reviewers accept/reject response with close to 100% accuracy, including acceptance to some first tier conferences.
If the review panel recommends a paper for a spotlight, there is a better than 50% chance a similarly-constituted review panel would have rejected the paper from the conference entirely: