Thank you for doing this. I just requested a proofread on a draft I’m working on.
When I first clicked “Get Feedback” it didn’t do anything. I think this was because I had “Hide Intercom” turned on in my settings. When that setting was on, I saw the following error in my console:
PostSubmit.tsx:93 Uncaught TypeError: window.Intercom is not a function
at onClick (PostSubmit.tsx:93)
at Object.ein (react-dom.production.min.js:14)
at rin (react-dom.production.min.js:14)
at nin (react-dom.production.min.js:14)
at cgt (react-dom.production.min.js:15)
at min (react-dom.production.min.js:52)
at GAe (react-dom.production.min.js:51)
at ooe (react-dom.production.min.js:52)
at Jgt (react-dom.production.min.js:56)
at ygt (react-dom.production.min.js:287)
at bgt (react-dom.production.min.js:19)
at ZAe (react-dom.production.min.js:70)
at loe (react-dom.production.min.js:69)
at fc.unstable_runWithPriority (scheduler.production.min.js:19)
at wM (react-dom.production.min.js:122)
at vgt (react-dom.production.min.js:287)
at Cin (react-dom.production.min.js:68)
at HTMLDocument.n (helpers.ts:87)
When I turned off “Hide Intercom”, the “Get Feedback” button worked and I requested feedback.
FYI, I hit this too. I pressed “Get feedback” on a draft post; it reloaded the page and otherwise didn’t tell me much. I figured, “Ok, either that worked or it didn’t. If it did, then I figure someone will come by soonish, read the post, and message me about it.” I checked for Less Wrong notifications and emails, and a few days later decided it probably hadn’t worked. I’d searched the website a couple of times about the feedback process (skimming the results), and only now do I learn that it’s supposed to happen through Intercom and wouldn’t work if Intercom is disabled.
I think it would help significantly to have the webpage check for Intercom and, if it’s disabled, to at least display a warning near the “Get feedback” button (ideally also make the button not work, and make it display the warning when someone clicks it).
Thank you for doing this. I just requested a proofread on a draft I’m working on.
When I first clicked “Get Feedback” it didn’t do anything. I think this was because I had “Hide Intercom” turned on in my settings. When that setting was on, I saw the following error in my console:
When I turned off “Hide Intercom”, the “Get Feedback” button worked and I requested feedback.
Good catch! I’ll have to add something about this to the announcement and UI.
FYI, I hit this too. I pressed “Get feedback” on a draft post; it reloaded the page and otherwise didn’t tell me much. I figured, “Ok, either that worked or it didn’t. If it did, then I figure someone will come by soonish, read the post, and message me about it.” I checked for Less Wrong notifications and emails, and a few days later decided it probably hadn’t worked. I’d searched the website a couple of times about the feedback process (skimming the results), and only now do I learn that it’s supposed to happen through Intercom and wouldn’t work if Intercom is disabled.
I think it would help significantly to have the webpage check for Intercom and, if it’s disabled, to at least display a warning near the “Get feedback” button (ideally also make the button not work, and make it display the warning when someone clicks it).
Sorry about this!
Yes, are totally able to check for Intercom and issue a warning if it’s disabled. Added to our to-do list.