Wingspan is probably my favourite game currently. It’s an engine building game were you collect birds. Gorgeous board and cards, very interesting gameplay if you like to plan your moves in advance. One particularly interesting part is that there are four rounds which are increasingly short, so as the game progress you get more powerful turns but less turns.
Not a whole lot of player interaction though. There is a solo variant too.
Photosynthesis is a great game where you want to grow trees. Bigger tree get more light but they shade other trees, so you want to plan where to put your trees as the sun circle the board. Really complex game with rather simple rules.
Ultimate werewolf one night is the surprisingly good real game version of the famous party game. It’s a hidden roles game were villagers have to find the werewolves. It happens in only one round : one night were everybody act and then one day for debate and vote. The good parts : 0) no need for a game master 1) almost everyone can get information during the night (I strongly recommend putting only special roles and no base villagers). 2) nobody can be sure their card didn’t get switched during the night. In particular you don’t know if you are in the same team as when you started the game (you don’t look at your card in the morning). 3) you can really reason your way out of all of the lies, it’s not posturing then random guessing.
Wingspan is probably my favourite game currently. It’s an engine building game were you collect birds. Gorgeous board and cards, very interesting gameplay if you like to plan your moves in advance. One particularly interesting part is that there are four rounds which are increasingly short, so as the game progress you get more powerful turns but less turns. Not a whole lot of player interaction though. There is a solo variant too.
Photosynthesis is a great game where you want to grow trees. Bigger tree get more light but they shade other trees, so you want to plan where to put your trees as the sun circle the board. Really complex game with rather simple rules.
Ultimate werewolf one night is the surprisingly good real game version of the famous party game. It’s a hidden roles game were villagers have to find the werewolves. It happens in only one round : one night were everybody act and then one day for debate and vote. The good parts : 0) no need for a game master 1) almost everyone can get information during the night (I strongly recommend putting only special roles and no base villagers). 2) nobody can be sure their card didn’t get switched during the night. In particular you don’t know if you are in the same team as when you started the game (you don’t look at your card in the morning). 3) you can really reason your way out of all of the lies, it’s not posturing then random guessing.